07.01.2006 [18:36:59:156250] [INFO] Bind UDP socket to port 8091
07.01.2006 [18:36:59:171875] [INFO] Conencting to server with DpAM22_1125 xxxxxxxxx, try to authorize...
07.01.2006 [18:36:59:171875] [DEBUG] UDP packet sent (0 time): len = 44, seq = 2089872920, ack = 2089879280, cn = 34, sid=0, to ip: port: 8090
07.01.2006 [18:36:59:171875] [INFO] Start http server at port 8080
07.01.2006 [18:37:00:390625] [PANIC] Error reading from datagram socket (No errors detected [10054])
07.01.2006 [18:37:04:281250] [ERROR] Cann't connect - timeout... Try again...
07.01.2006 [18:37:04:281250] [INFO] Conencting to server with DpAM22_1125 xxxxxxxxx, try to authorize...
07.01.2006 [18:37:04:281250] [DEBUG] UDP packet sent (0 time): len = 44, seq = 0, ack = 0, cn = 0, sid=0, to ip: port: 8090
07.01.2006 [18:37:05:203125] [PANIC] Error reading from datagram socket (No errors detected [10054])
07.01.2006 [18:37:09:312500] [ERROR] Cann't connect - timeout... Try again...
07.01.2006 [18:37:09:312500] [INFO] Conencting to server with DpAM22_1125 xxxxxxxxx, try to authorize...
07.01.2006 [18:37:09:312500] [DEBUG] UDP packet sent (0 time): len = 44, seq = 0, ack = 0, cn = 0, sid=0, to ip: port: 8090
07.01.2006 [18:37:10:187500] [PANIC] Error reading from datagram socket (No errors detected [10054])
И вот такая шляпа уже 2 дня. Умотался совсем. Потом ни с тото, ни с сего зачемятельно коннектится часика на 1.5, а потом на полдня опять та же песня